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Anonymous Radar Operator

Updated: Mar 7, 2020

"It was a great experience, but it was like school. I couldn’t wait to get out, but when looking back, it wasn’t all that bad."

My name is Anonymous and I was a Radar Operator for the Navy from 1976-1979. Joining the military seemed like a good job at the time, it would teach me a lot of discipline and life lessons. Many of my relatives before me served, such as my father and my brothers. Prior to serving, I was a high schooler.

Military life was a very big change for me. It was highly regimented, but that is what I expected. I was a Radar Operator aboard the USS San Jose. I worked in a combat information center and relayed information to the bridge about ships making their way through.

Overall, my service was a pretty good experience. I just wished I could have held a different position, such as an Air Traffic Controlman(though Reagan fired all of them when I was let out). I am very happy about serving my country. It was a great experience, but it was like school. I couldn’t wait to get out, but when looking back, it wasn’t all that bad.


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